Personal Foundation

"Bottom line: I LOVE seeing people with BIG, infectious smiles for no specific reason at all... those people who are genuinely joyful. No external conditions or circumstances required.

That comes from being fulfilled, accepting yourself and others for who they are, and the freedom to authentically live your life the way YOU choose to live it."


Give yourself a strong foundation to build your life.

The most common topic that comes up as I work with others is lack of clarity of WHO the person is. Too often we're distracted with who we believe we're supposed to be, expected to be, or wish we were instead of being focused on and appreciating who we are.

We undervalue our talents, minimize our experience, belittle our perspective, and underestimate what we can do - or what is even possible. And worse, we do this because we think we should be different than who we are, or because we feel that we don't measure up as we're comparing ourselves to others.

Let's focus on WHO you are:

Being clear on the answers to these questions sharpens your thinking, informs your decision-making, & influences your actions - ultimately boosting your self-awareness and confidence.

  • What are your innate talents and strengths? What are your unique contributions?
  • What impacts your relationships with others?
  • Where do your weaknesses come from?
  • What are your motivations - i.e. WHY do you think, feel, and act the way you do?
  • What are your needs? What do you value?
  • What strengthens you vs. what weakens your energy?
  • How can you intentionally direct your innate talents and skills towards desired outcomes?

Who can benefit from Personal Foundation work?

This core personal work is paramount for individuals wanting to improve their circumstances, their relationships, and quality of their lives. Some examples are individuals who are:

  • seeking clarity in who they are & what they want

  • deciding on next steps in their lives
  • feeling stuck or needing a change
  • looking to improve their confidence and self-worth
  • leading, managing, parenting and/or empowering others
  • starting a new phase
  • trying to identify their unique edge/strength
  • considering making a significant change
  • evaluating repetitive patterns in relationships & situations
  • seeking the courage to pursue a dream

Benefits from a strong Personal Foundation

What you get out of this work is dependent on the effort, openness and honesty (with yourself) that you put in.

  • Confidence in yourself, your unique talents, strengths, & experience that you 'bring to the table'
  • Insight on personal motivations - including your wants, needs, and values
  • Appreciation and consideration for variety in perspectives
  • Improved attitude when dealing with situations
  • Increased energy from choosing relationships, environments, & activities that strengthen you
  • Positive influence on decisions, environment, and people around you
  • Greater resilience from a strong personal foundation
  • Improved outlook on what is possible

Services focusing on Personal Foundation topics available in:


For organizations who want to invest in their people and culture - e.g. universities, corporate, start-ups, non-profits, schools.


For individuals who are serious about personal growth and are willing to do the self-paced work to transform their lives.

Designed specifically to address Personal Foundation topics.



For individuals who prefer the personal interaction and accountability of working one-to-one with a coach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Great question! And one we should all ask ourselves.

Who you are will continuously evolve - especially the more you learn, grow and experience. One way to know if you're being true to yourself is checking in on how you feel doing the things you do and spending time with the people in your life. Living authentically energizes you and makes you feel good. Living an inauthentic life is stressful (often fearful) and drains you.

Checking in with yourself often is a useful tool to learn and use lifelong.

You'll need to ask yourself this question. Asking these questions and doing this reflective work is all about you, your growth, journey, and personal fulfillment. What you get out of this work is dependent on the effort, openness and honesty (with yourself) that you put in.

Look around you. Are the people around you as happy as can be?  Or are they fearful, settling, and likely stressed?

If you're even on this page, chances are you want something different - even better - for yourself. And if you want different, then you have to do things differently.

These topics are meant to explore who you genuinely are, not who you think you should be.  That will be a different person for each and everyone of us.

Being true to who you are will make you feel good about who you are. Checking in on how you feel is part of the process.

If you don't feel good, excited, and energized about who you are then I'd say that there's more work to be done. There's most likely a disconnect between how you think things should be vs. what seems most authentic to you.

Doing this fundamental work will give you clarity on who you are, what you need, what you value, what your motivations are, and what some of your self-imposed limiting beliefs may be. This self-awareness will make it easier to make decisions, prioritize, and set (and enforce) healthy boundaries.

But this isn't a one-time thing. You will continue to grow and change.  So doing this work will do two more things for you:

  • Give you the 'know-how' to be able to continuously ask yourself these questions for the rest of your life
  • Get you in the habit of taking time to focus on yourself and reflect on your deeper motivations

I've asked myself this same question many times. There are SO MANY interesting topics in the world from art to science, from history to technology, politics to philosophy... but the focus is usually external. Whether it's a way of being passed down mindlessly through the generations, or the messages we get from society or the media to look at external things, we're simply propagating the patterns we've learned and internalized.

Choosing to be more mindful of our thoughts, actions, and beliefs is a deeply personal journey. And I'd say that most people are too focused on surviving or getting through the day-to-day to lift their heads above water to look within.

Not everyone has invested the effort to know who they are.  By doing this work, you're giving yourself an advantage towards living a fulfilled life, and likely the courage to create an incredible one!

Ask the deeper questions to create a life that fulfills you!

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