
"When we’re at our most fulfilled, that energy is contagious, and we bring out the best in others – ultimately contributing to our environments and communities.

Coaching has taught me to challenge my thoughts, lean into my strengths, and focus on my desired outcome. Life is so much easier than it used to be – shedding the layers of who I’m not.

And I see that my shift is contagious. I notice that those around me are shifting too."

Working with me

Working with a coach is all about you – not your problems, but who you are. Invest in yourself. 

My role is to work with you - help you see your blind spots and limiting beliefs. Sometimes it takes someone else (outside your day-to-day world) to help you open the doors to other possibilities.

I first invite you to an initial Exploratory Session at no cost. This gives us an opportunity to get to know each other, discuss your goals, and address any questions you may have.

Once you’ve decided you’re ready to invest in yourself and would like to begin working together, the following are the coaching packages that I offer. Everyone’s different, so the frequency at which we meet may vary – whether once a week, once every two weeks, and so on. Initially, many clients like to meet weekly at first and space out sessions as they're further along their journey.

Coaching sessions are in-person in my office in Somerville, MA (in the Greater Boston area).

  • Local clients: We can meet in person or online - though I prefer to meet in person – especially for the initial Exploratory Session.
  • Outside the Boston area: We can meet for our sessions online. Geography is not a limitation for us to work together.

Let's chat!  Contact me via email, or call me at: +1 617-710-2127  •  I look forward to hearing from you.

Coaching Packages Available

Single Session


One coaching session -  (Multiple Single Sessions may be scheduled)

18-Session Package


Typically spaces out to a 4.5 to 9-month commitment to oneself

12-Session Package


Typically spaces out to a 3 to 6-month commitment to oneself

8-Session Package


Typically spaces out to a 2 to 4-month commitment

Am I the right Coach for you?

You deserve the right coach for your journey. I offer an initial Exploratory Session at no cost. 

This gives us an opportunity to:

  • get to know each other
  • discuss your goals
  • address any questions you may have

Qualities I look for in clients:

  • willingness to make a commitment to invest in & prioritize oneself
  • willingness to be honest and vulnerable
  • understanding that all change is internal (which may pleasantly lead to external changes but not the focus)
  • desire to have fun in the process

Topics of focus:

I see a lot of the work I do with others fall into these three categories. Explore them to see if they match what you have in mind. If not, no worries! Contact me and let's discuss.

  1. Developing a healthy relationship with yourself - giving yourself a strong foundation and clarity on who you are
  2. Exploring perceptions of self and others - understanding how it impacts relationships, opportunities & productivity
  3. Striving for growth - wanting different or better outcomes, & changing behavior in order to achieve it

Start with any of these.  Or build from 1. Personal Foundation, to 2. Identity, and then to 3. Transformation.

Ask the deeper questions to create a life that fulfills you!

Subscribe to my email list to receive weekly thought-provoking content, tips, & updates. Plus, download: 5 Questions for Successfully Setting the Right Goals for You


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