The Right Approach for your Organization

My priority is for our work together to be meaningful, impactful, and long-lasting. That means picking the right approach to meet your Organization's needs.
Before recommending an approach for an Organization, I meet with organizers to learn about their goals for the programs, but also the goals for the Organization. I like to understand the environment, culture, and challenges. I use all of this to design an agenda and activities that will complement the organization and work in context for participants. Any of these service options can be combined and/or supplemented with follow-up sessions to achieve that.
We can work together to determine an approach that best serves your Organization, its members, and its goals. I invite you to reach out to me via email so we can set up a time to discuss.
Service Options: One or a Combination of the Following
Most Flexible & Cost-Effective Option
Independent Strengths-based Training through an Online Course
Save yourself the cost, time, and hassle of trying to coordinate Training across your Team or Organization. Using an online course allows each person to have the same Strengths-based Training at their own convenience and pace.
The Talents in Action online course content builds upon the user's CliftonStrengths results. So whereas the curriculum is the same, the experience is personalized for each person. The online course consists of pre-recorded lessons, with examples and independent activities.
Just some of the benefits of an Online Course:
- No need to coordinate Training dates/times.
- No overhead cost of travel, time, or resources for centralized Training.
- The content far exceeds what can be covered in live, multi-day Training sessions or Workshops.
- Participants can re-watch the content as desired at any time.
- Perfect for varying learning styles and paces.
- Great for a refresher months later. Repetition is key to making long-lasting changes.
- Ideal for long-term investment for organizations, allowing members to re-visit the content at no additional financial cost.
- Consistent curriculum for everyone creates a common language to support your Strengths-based Culture.
- Progress reports can be made available for organizations to track progress of how far each member has gone in completing the course content.
Live Workshops
Learning live alongside colleagues is an effective way for teams and organizations to focus their learning, maximize their impact, and foster interaction and collaboration.
Because my Workshops use Gallup's CliftonStrengths as a foundation, there's the opportunity to combine general topics with an individualized experience. Each participant will have their own CliftonStrengths results, so they can see each discussion through the lens of their specific results.
In-person vs. Online Options
Live workshops can be done in-person or online. The topics are the same though the activities vary due to the nature of a remote, virtual experience. No matter which option best suits your Organization, there's plenty of opportunity for live interactive exercises, open discussion, and Q&A.
Live Workshop vs. the Online Course?
There are different benefits whether you choose to do Live Training vs. the independent Online Course for your Organization's members. The best option depends on your vision and goals.
Some organizations choose to do a combination approach. They use the Talents in Action online course as step one to give members a strong, in-depth foundation to Strengths-based development topics that will work for them as an individual. They then do a shorter, live workshop to focus on team-building topics.

I offer Coaching sessions for individuals in Groups/Organizations as needed. This can be standalone (just Coaching) or to supplement Training options (whether live Workshops or Online Courses). For example, there are times when an organization wants to do Training for a group and then Coach select individuals.
Each person's goals and needs are different, so I don't offer cookie-cutter Coaching packages. The number of sessions and frequency we meet is determined based on the individual's goals, needs, and style. Their progress is an evolution, so there's no predefined curriculum or agenda per session. Goals for the overall program are set at the beginning. Each session allows for the opportunity for open discussion while focusing the individual towards their overall goals.
Often times, it's better to have Coaching follow a Training option (whether a Live Workshop or the Online Course) so that sessions can focus on the individual rather than on learning Strengths-based fundamentals.

Let's Discuss
Whatever your Organization's needs are, we can find an approach that works best for you and your team members. In all services, I use CliftonStrengths as the basis of our work together, allowing me to ensure that our work together is always in the context of the individual and their particular needs.
Per Gallup's Research:

Work groups that have Strengths-based development have:
- 14 - 29% Increased profit
- 10 - 19% Increased sales
- 3 - 7% Higher customer engagement

Employees who receive Strengths-based development have:
- 7 - 23% Higher employee engagement
- 8 - 18% Increased performance
- 20 - 73% Lower attrition

People who focus on using their Strengths are:
- 3 times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life
- 6 times as likely to be engaged in their jobs