Online Courses

"These are ideal for individuals who prefer the flexibility of an online curriculum and have the accountability to follow through with a self-study program.

Though each person's journey is unique, there are certain themes that are common among many. I can take the lessons from these themes and incorporate them into online courses. These courses are also a cost-effective alternative to live workshops & one-to-one coaching."

Benefits of Online Courses:

  • Online courses include pre-recorded content, examples, and activities

  • Activities are designed so that you can explore your personal feelings, beliefs, & experiences on the topics
  • Content is accessible on laptops, tablets, & smartphones
  • Lifetime access to the course content

  • Re-take and review the content as many times as you'd like
  • Future updates to the course content are automatically rolled in to existing purchases

Online Courses currently available (at the Store):

Success Foundation

8-week course exploring fundamental concepts to help you strengthen the foundation of who you are. This is the course that I created for the Personal Foundation category.

New content released each week building upon previous concepts.

Two options available:

  • Standard: Online Course only
  • Premium: Online Course plus Coaching Sessions (Bundled Package)

Learn more.

Knowing Your WHY

Mini-course based on workshop activities and discussions helping participants connect with their deeper WHY, values, and beliefs.

Do you have suggestions or ideas on topics for online courses?  If so, please send them my way!

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