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Personal Development is NOT just Professional

Time: 3:07 minutes

Personal Development is NOT just Professional


I was just having a conversation about this with somebody today. A lot of times when people talk to me about assessments… (In my case what I most often work with is the CliftonStrengths assessment tool.) …they think that this is simply a professional tool. So [they think] it’s only for career-focused, very achiever-type, competitive-type personalities. And that’s not how I use it at all.

I’m probably influenced by my talents (my top five results) that come out of CliftonStrengths. So off the top of my head they are: Connectedness, Relator, Belief, Responsibility, and Adaptability. So Connectedness (that top one I have, and my third one: Belief) – essentially what I do is I’m looking at how your results are impacting every aspect of your life.

It’s not just career. And the thought processes that you apply in your day-to-day work sometimes are the same processes that you’re applying within your personal relationships, or within your family, or within your community. Where are those patterns?

So when I work with somebody – and that’s a conversation that I had today with somebody – I’m not just looking at one aspect of your life. Now, if that’s where you want to focus, that’s certainly where we can focus together. But I’m going to be looking for the patterns and how things are helping you or hurting you in different aspects of your life.

For me and my way of thinking, I don’t really compartmentalize things. I’m able to quickly see connections. It may not see the same connections that you see which actually works even better. We have different perspectives.

So, yeah, I’ve had people be surprised that CliftonStrengths isn’t just a career-based tool. It’s not going to tell you: what career to pursue, or who you should hire, or how to design your team. It’s intended to give you insight to people’s natural talents.
You can have two people who have completely different results do the same job that has the same job description. But they’re going to do their jobs differently. And it could be one is better than the other, or they’re both spectacular employees just doing their jobs in a different way.

My name is Elvira Marie Chang. I’m a Trainer, and I’m a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. I offer one-to-one coaching, as well as workshops, an online interactive series, as well as an online course. If you have any questions – whether it’s about the CliftonStrengths assessment, your talents, your strengths, coaching, any personal development, personal growth topics, feel free to reach out to me. Connect. Send me a question. I look forward to talking to you. Thank you!


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