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Talents in Action course for Individuals

Talents in Action course for Individuals

Learn how to make your Talents, Strengths, & Individuality work for You

Talents in Action

Online Course

This Online Course is designed to build on your Gallup CliftonStrengths results.

Make your Talents, Strengths, & Individuality work for You

Talents in Action

Online Course

This Online Course is designed to build on your Gallup CliftonStrengths results.

Fixing your Weaknesses avoids Failure. It doesn't lead to Success.


Most people beat themselves up focusing on their Weaknesses, on how they don't measure up to others, or on how they don't meet expectations. This is exhausting, unhealthy, and completely ineffective. It actually harms you in the long run.

If you want to Succeed (& feel satisfied while doing it):

  • Focus on your Talents and develop them into Strengths.
  • Learn strategies that work for you. Based on your Individuality alone, you deserve and need your own approach.
  • Acknowledge and consider your natural gifts, interests, and experiences.
  • Align yourself with people who value your Individuality.
  • Know how to position yourself in activities and places that use your Talents and contributions constructively, and in a way that energizes you.
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Your CliftonStrengths Top 5 Results identify you as: 1 in 33 Million

Go beyond just passively reading your reports... Put those Talents into Action!

Register for the Talents in Action (TIA) Online Course to:

  • Learn what your CliftonStrengths results mean for you, how they're impacting you day-to-day, & how to intentionally use them effectively
  • Understand your unique value as an Individual & how you contribute
  • Identify the right opportunities (& roles) for you based on your natural Talents
  • Recognize your autopilot patterns, how they're hurting you, & how to change them
  • Explore the factors impacting your motivations & decision-making
  • Improve how you relate to others - both personally & professionally
  • Understand what impacts your energy levels & what to do to stay energized
  • Develop strategies for effective problem-solving & decision-making based on who you are (not compared to others)
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Your CliftonStrengths Top 5 Results identify you as: 1 in 33 Million

Go beyond just passively reading your reports... Put those Talents into Action!

Register for the Talents in Action (TIA) Online Course to:

  • Learn what your CliftonStrengths results mean for you, how they're impacting you day-to-day, & how to intentionally use them effectively
  • Understand your unique value as an Individual & how you contribute
  • Identify the right opportunities (& roles) for you based on your natural Talents
  • Recognize your autopilot patterns, how they're hurting you, & how to change them
  • Explore the factors impacting your motivations & decision-making
  • Improve how you relate to others - both personally & professionally
  • Understand what impacts your energy levels & what to do to stay energized
  • Develop strategies for effective problem-solving & decision-making based on who you are (not compared to others)
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There's no one right way to do anything.  But there are ways that are right for You.

There's no one right way to do anything.

But there are ways that are right for you.

What You Get in this Course:

The program consists of video lessons, notes, worksheets/activities, and opportunity for further support through Live Q&A sessions.

It's packed with examples to demonstrate topics from various perspectives. And most importantly, it doesn't just talk about concepts at a high level.  There are video lessons specifically designed to put topics into practice - that is, how to use concepts in practical day-to-day life.

The program is broken into four parts as follows:

Two feet standing on a Star

Part 1: Your Talents, Strengths, & Your Individuality

  • Learn about the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment - history, background, what the results mean
  • Realize Your Greatness: Understand your predominant Talents and how they influence your Individuality
  • Identify how your Talents contribute to your Strengths
  • Get clear on your specific Strengths and how you use them in different areas of your life
  • Explore how your Individuality impacts HOW and WHY you do what you do
  • Differentiate between your Strengths and your Performance
Frustrated woman covering her face with her hands

Part 2: What about Weaknesses?

  • Define what Weaknesses are and where they come from
  • Explore misconceptions about Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Identify your particular Weaknesses and what's influencing them
  • Understand how your Weaknesses impact you, others, and the environments around you
  • Learn Tools to identify your Weaknesses in the moment and Strategies to manage them
Person balancing on a rock in front or a sunset

Part 3: Knowing Your WHY, Needs, & Values

  • Explore the factors impacting your personal motivations
  • Learn Tools to uncover your deeper, underlying WHYs
  • Discuss the impact of your personal Needs & core Values in your life
  • Identify your specific Needs & Values (different from others), and how your Talents influence them
  • Get clear on the ways you connect with others, and how they impact your Relationships
  • Explore your levels of Self-Care and Resilience, and what you need to do to stay energized
Interlocking cogs with the words Strengths & Weaknesses printed on them

Part 4: Putting your Talents into Practice

  • Practical lessons on using a Strengths-based Approach in your day-to-day life
  • Emphasis on your Talents, Strengths, and your Value as an Individual - i.e. how do you contribute
  • Explore Tools & Strategies to deal with everyday scenarios & challenges
  • Identify & create opportunities that are the Right Fit for who you are
  • Use your Individuality to improve your relationships with others
  • Shift your focus from obstacles & problem-solving towards your true, underlying goals and WHYs

Plus BONUS materials and opportunities!

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Just Some of the Benefits for You...


All course videos and materials are available 24/7 and accessible via browser or app. Go through the lessons at your own pace and at your convenience!


This course is designed with your CliftonStrengths Results in mind.  Though there's a common curriculum, look at the lessons and activities through the lenses of your Talent Themes. Plus, you're supported with opportunity for Q&A.


Take the concepts Beyond School or the Workplace!  This course is not just professional development or a work tool.  Consider how topics apply to other arenas of your life - such as home, relationships, community, time alone, & more!


The best way to learn is to actively put the concepts into practice.  Repeat the course lessons in days, months, or even years to really internalize the material, go deeper, or for content reminders.

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Just Some of the Benefits for You


All course videos and materials are available 24/7 and accessible via browser or app. Go through the lessons at your own pace and at your convenience!


This course is designed with your CliftonStrengths Results in mind.  Though there's a common curriculum, look at the lessons and activities through the lenses of your Talent Themes. Plus, you're supported with opportunity for Q&A.


Take the concepts Beyond School or the Workplace!  This course is not just professional development or a work tool.  Consider how topics apply to other arenas of your life - such as home, relationships, community, time alone, & more!


The best way to learn is to actively put the concepts into practice.  Repeat the course lessons in days, months, or even years to really internalize the material, go deeper, or for content reminders.

Tell me more about this Course (and Bonuses)!